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 Do not send information about any confidential matters via this website or the form above. All inquiries for the services and offerings described on this website should be directed via the contact forms and link on the website.


 Materials on this website are provided for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website constitutes legal advice. Information is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, or current. This website may contain links to other resources on the internet. Such links are provided for convenience only and are not intended to state or imply an endorsement, affiliation, sponsorship, or association between The Mom Lawyer®, Estate Planning YOU®, French Law Group, LLC, The Mom Lawyer, LLC, Laura French, and the owners of the internet resources or links.

 Descriptions and summaries found on this website are intended only to provide information about the personal and professional activities and experiences of The Mom Lawyer® and Laura French and should not be understood as a guarantee or assurance of your future success in any matter or situation. The results and experiences portrayed were dependent on a variety of facts and circumstances unique to the particular situations described and do not reflect the entire record of The Mom Lawyer®, The Mom Lawyer, LLC, French Law Group, LLC, or Laura French. Past results are not a guarantee of future results, and the outcome of your particular situation or matter cannot be predicted using past results. Every situation is unique and different and should be evaluated on its own merits, opportunities, and challenges, without comparison to other situations that may have had different facts and circumstances.


The use of this website is at the user's own risk, and The Mom Lawyer ®, Estate Planning YOU®, The Mom Lawyer, LLC, French Law Group, LLC, and Laura French expressly disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this website. The contents of the website contain general information and may not reflect the most current developments, technology, systems, or processes and neither the authors nor The Mom Lawyer ®, Estate Planning YOU®, The Mom Lawyer, LLC, French Law Group, LLC, and Laura French, make any claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, currency, or adequacy of the contents or information contained or linked to herein. The materials on this website may be changed, improved, or updated without notice. The Mom Lawyer®, Estate Planning You®, The Mom Lawyer, LLC, French Law Group, LLC, and Laura French are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or for damages arising from the use or performance of this website under any circumstances.

The Mom Lawyer®, Estate Planning YOU®, The Mom Lawyer, LLC, French Law Group, LLC, and Laura French do not intend this website to be advertising for legal services, but in some jurisdictions, it may be considered as such. Any prior results described on this website do not guarantee a similar outcome. Results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each situation.

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